I Will

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A few years ago an international expedition was organized to climb the north wall of Matterhorn, never before accomplished. The members of the expedition who came from all over the world were interviewed. A reporter asked one member of the troop, “Are you going to climb the north wall of the Matterhorn?” The man replied, “I’m going to give it everything I have.” Another was asked if he were going to climb the north wall. He said, “I’m going to give it all jolly good effort.” Finally, a reporter asked a young American, “Are you going to climb the north wall of Matterhorn?” The American looked him dead center and said, ” I will climb the north wall of Matterhorn.” Only one man did climb the north wall. It was the man who said, “I will.” He “saw the reaching”

In every field of endeavor, whether he seek a better job, more material goods, more loving  children, a permanent and happy married or all these things, we must “see the reaching” before we can “reach the reaching”

If you want to reach your goal, you must “see the reaching” in your own mind before you actually arrive at your goal.
– Zig Zigla 

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