Persist One More Time

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Chadwick was the first female who swam across the English Channel. She now wanted to swam from Catalina Island to California.

The trip was extremely hard. The freezing seawater made her lips purple. He arms and legs felt like they weighed one thousand pounds after sixteen hours continuous swimming. However, she still didn’t know how far the destination was because she couldn’t see the coast.

She felt more tired when she thought about it. She felt she couldn’t use a little strength. So she said to the people on the boat, “I give up pull me up quickly.

“Don’t do this. It’s only one kilometer, hang in there!”

“I don’t believe it. How come I can’t see the coast if there is only one kilometer? Pull me up quickly.”

The boat went forward quickly and less than one minute came the Californian coast. It could only be seen within half kilometer because of the heavy fog.

Perseverance is a great element of success. If only knock long enough and loud enough at the gate, you are sure to wake up somebody.
– Henry Longfellow

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